
Jowat Pinghu Project was successfully handed over today.


Thanks to the trust and support of the owner of Jowat. The project was successfully handed over today. Recognization and support from Jowat for the past year is highly appreciated. Kaiser will continue to provide customers with better service!

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萝北县| 郸城县| 资中县| 丰原市| 合江县| 台南县| 宣威市| 临西县| 阆中市| 漳浦县| 榆树市| 什邡市| 维西| 彭泽县| 景东| 宁强县| 讷河市| 遵义市| 都安| 垣曲县| 海宁市| 嘉禾县| 六盘水市| 大兴区| 大庆市| 正宁县| 多伦县| 来宾市| 肇源县| 富川| 凉山| 乌拉特前旗| 阜新市| 淮北市| 米林县| 昌宁县| 桃园县| 青岛市| 大化| 广南县| 天柱县|