
Thank you for your letter Jinye Food!


Jin Ye(金曄) adheres to the production concept of “zero” additives and insists on making authentic hawthorn snack food. Kaiser appreciates Jin Ye’s trust and will design & build a high-quality and high-tech food factory for them.

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商都县| 梧州市| 漾濞| 灵川县| 毕节市| 太仓市| 桃江县| 永善县| 临沂市| 澜沧| 郁南县| 石首市| 东宁县| 金坛市| 都匀市| 天祝| 海南省| 五莲县| 湘阴县| 巴塘县| 兴和县| 凌云县| 甘孜县| 巩留县| 清远市| 新昌县| 阿尔山市| 南安市| 许昌县| 藁城市| 南投市| 翁牛特旗| 宝坻区| 会东县| 九台市| 定州市| 丰原市| 连江县| 仁怀市| 古浪县| 奉化市|